Wednesday, April 20, 2016

First run event

My hubby has been a running enthusiastic since he participated in a trail running event organised by Salomon last year, Since then his interest in running has been growing much deeper and the passion of running makes him a very much happy person.
With his passion of running, he has been participating in many trail running as well as marathon competitions. Almost every weekend he will participate in one or two competitions. His objective of participating in those competitions was not to win the title or achieve any podium but to satisfy his running passion.
I followed him once to one of his competitions and I can feel myself the excitement and great satisfaction when he completed his run. It was indeed very fascinating.
There will be a grand marathon event soon in August. It's the yearly Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2016. This event is not only having the half and full marathon competition but they are organising other running events such as family fun run as well as charity run.
Hubby suggested we participate as a family event and yes...we registered. My husband will be running his first full marathon in this event while me and the children will be participating in the family fun run 3km and 5km. We are so looking forward to this event. I am sure this will be our first and many more running event together.

Do stay tuned for the update of this event.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

My new beautiful kitchenware

Last weekend we went to NU Sentral for the second time. Our first visit there was to check out the MPH warehouse sales during last year December school holiday. This second visit was for hubby to collect his running pack. Me and the children followed him to check out the place if there's anything new since our last visit. The mall is really huge but there's nothing much that interest us though.
While hubby is queuing to collect his running pack, I brought the children to window shopping. Look what I found at Parkson....

I fell in love with them when I first saw them and when I found out the price after discount was reasonable, I quickly grab four sets. The plates and bowls are sold separately. The plate cost about RM7++ and the bowl cost about RM5++. It was a really good buy moreover they are made in Japan.


After getting these, I went on to check out the other cooking wares and look what I found on good deal again... Roichen 26 inches frying pan ! I can't resist getting one since it's so cheap.

These are really good buy.... my happy day !

Very busy Saturday (160416)

Last Saturday, both my children has school activities. We were out of the house by 6:00pm. After dropping my girl, we send our boy to his school. We only need to fetch both of them late afternoon so me and hubby can have our "pak toh" time...
We went to "Yut Kee" restaurant for breakfast. This is a traditional kopitiam serving authentic breakfast such as roti bakar with kaya, butter and soft boiled eggs.

Besides the yummy authentic breakfast, this restaurant also serves very yummy fried mee sua. This dish is one of my favourite noodle dish. The mee sua texture is cooked just right, not too hard nor too soft. Mee sua is a type of noodle that is very difficult to cook. So sorry forgot to take pictures of the dish...was too tempted to eat once it's served :D but I took the pic of the chilies....yum yum

After breakfast, we went home, rested for an hour and off to Pavillion cause hubby wanted to check out some gadgets. We spent around 3 hours there window shopping. We went to pick up my girl from her friend's home around 3:30pm and reach home almost 4:00pm. Hubby had a running event at Putrajaya which flag off at 8:00pm. My son school only dismiss at 5:00pm. We planned to have dinner outside before heading to Putrajaya but don't think we could make it on time. So we decided to cook spaghetti for dinner. Boy, it was a rushed out dinner. Once reached home after fetching my girl, I quickly put the spaghetti to boil and started preparing all the ingredients for the sauce.
As hubby had to attend a running event, he took a nap while I was preparing dinner but before I start cooking, I have to fetch my son from school. There I go rushing out to fetch my boy before 5:00pm.
The traffic was terrible, I only managed to reach home at 6:00pm. That means I only have half an hour to cook and eat.......arghhhh!!!!

When I was about to start cooking, I noticed I did not have the spaghetti ready made tomato sauce....oh dear....what am I going to do ????? Well, I have no time to go out and get the sauce so I decided to fry the spaghetti. And our dinner turned from spaghetti Bolognese to Aglio Olio.... :D

Do you like my beautiful serving plates? I bought them from Parkson. They were having WOW Sales last week and I found these beautiful plates made in Japan for a very low price. Will blog about them in the next post.

Didn't have time to clean, the kitchen was left in a mess when me and hubby went our way to Putrajaya for the event. After the event, reach home around 12midnight....didn't get to sleep right away but clean up the kitchen....

Friday, April 15, 2016

Broga Hill

This is a back dated post. This trip to Puchong Hill was sometimes during the school holidays. Children were bored at home especially my boy. Some days during the holiday he was busy attending extra tuition classes. Hubby was busy with work. So one fine weekend we decided to gather a few friends and we organised a trip to hike up Puchong Hill.

Surprisingly the children were very excited about the trip. It was a slow hike as we were waiting for each other and enjoying the fresh air. We did not feel tired in fact as we hike, we felt refreshing cause the forest is filled with greeneries. The first time we hiked was up to the peak of the hill but this time, we took a different route and proceeded to the waterfall.

There were a few waterfalls actually, some are restricted cause they are reserved area and they were rangers watching over the place. We decided to go for the smaller water fall which is not restricted.

The water was very very cold but it was very pleasant as the weather was extremely hot. Moreover we were all soaking wet. The children and hubbies went into the water for a dip. We brought some snack to munch on before hiking down hill.


We spent about 2 hours here and slowly hike down hill. The entire trip took us about 4 hours and it's time for lunch when we reach the foot hill.

Lunch was very appetising.....yums...

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Breakfast (120416)

This morning prepared bread with bacon breakfast for the children. Today is like a lazy day for me. That is why the simple breakfast. Not in the mood to cook.
Usually when bread is for breakfast, i will trim all the sides of the bread cause children do not eat them but i didn't throw them away. I will either keep them to feed the fish when we go to the neighborhood park or i'll keep it for my breakfast.

Breakfast for me today are leftovers from my children's breakfast this morning and of cause a cup of my favorite Japanese Sencha Green Tea


Yummy lettuce wrap with bread skin and bacon

Monday, April 11, 2016

My Photography Passion - Hiking

As in the introduction page of my blog, i have always great passion of photography. I love taking photos. I see, I admire, I shoot...
Last year we had a trip to Sungai Lembing, a small town in Kuantan District, Pahang. It was used to be a tin mining town. Sungai means river in Malay while Lembing means spear.
The town is basically very quiet and most of the residences there are old aged folks who has been staying there for decades.
We with for the trip with group of family friends and their children. Our objective to visit the famous sunrise view at Bukit Panaroma.
Climbing up the hill was really a challenge. We started our journey around 5:00am so that we are able to reach the peak for sunrise on time. The journey up hill was relatively easy with a lot of steps.
The hike takes about 40-45 minutes for an average hiker, but those who do not exercise (cardiac exercises) often will probably need an hour to get to the top and believe me, it's really a challenge for those who seldom exercise.

The reward? These....

Sun rise at Bukit Panorama

We reached the peak at the right timing as the sun is rising. The beautiful view of took our breath away. We took a lot of photos while waiting for the sky to turn bright for the other breathtaking view. The sea of clouds....

The fluffy clouds covering the entire skyline is just like a sea waves

So when you are hiking up Bukit Panorama, make sure you hike up early and stay for the sky to turn bright for the sea of clouds.

Dinner (8/4/2016)

My family dinner last Friday......easy peasy Grill chicken wrap

We always have rice for dinner. Children were quite bored with it so i thought, why not prepare something different for dinner since it's Friday. Friday has always been the best day for me because it's the beginning for weekend where i can spend more time with hubby and the children.

This is very easy to prepare. Ingredients include
1) chicken breast strip marinated with salt, pepper, olive oil
2) store bought garlic wrap
3) lettuces and tomatoes (any vegetables of your choice)

For the sauce
1) mayonaise
2) mustard
3) honey
4) salt and pepper
5) chilly sauce (optional)

I marinated the chicken for about 2 hours then grill them on a pan. set them aside and prepare the sauce. just mix all the ingredients for the sauce to your taste.

To prepare the wrap, you can prepare to wrap all the ingredients in advance but i prefer to prepare them when everyone is ready to eat. One reason for not preparing earlier is, once you wrap it up with the sauce and leave it there, after a few minutes, the vegetables will become soggy and not crunchy.

Before eating the wrap, it is advised to grill the wrap on the pan till it's hot. Hot dinner is always better than cold dinner :P

I prepare 2 wraps for each of us. My children loves the wrap very much especially my son, who three (yes, i gave one of mine to him)...Seeing them eating so happily and so enjoying, i am already very satisfying.

This is one most motivation that makes me loving to cook for my family.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Dinner tonight

I'll be preparing dinner tonight !
For a long time, i have not been cooking dinner for my family. Most of the time we have our dinner at my grandma's home. But recently children decided to pack dinner home from my grandma's home to have it at our home instead. Reasons? Reason No.1 they are too tired to go to my grandma's home even though it's just 10 minutes drive. Reason No. 2 they felt more comfortable and can enjoy dinner for a longer time at our own home cause they can proceed to do their homework when done with dinner while mommy clean the dishes. Hubby felt more relaxed too to have dinner at our own home.

Recently one of my friend prepared a nice dinner for her family which triggers my lazy bone. Instead of normal rice and dishes for dinner, she prepared something special beyond the traditional home cooked dinner.
Below are some of the ingredients for my family dinner tonight. Can you guess what we are having tonight?

You want to know how yummy this dinner is.......stay tune !

Photography Passion

I have abandoned this blog for a very very long time. Now i am back with more posting about family, health, photography...
I have always loved photography. Taking photos are like capturing the moments for memories. You can always look back to the photos of happy times spent together with families and friends.

Last Sunday, i followed husband who is a trail and marathon running enthusiast. He just started running November last year. His passion grew stronger each day. I have always wanted to follow him to his running event to capture his passion. However due to my children's schedule i was unable to.
Last Sunday, my son's schedule changed and i grab this opportunity to follow my husband to his trail running event. The event flags off at 7:30 am so we have to leave our home as early as 5:00 am cause the journey will take us an hour plus to reach.

Co-incidentally, the event was held at Hulu Langat on the Sunday which is also the weekend for the Chinese Tomb Sweep Day. We foresee heavy traffic around that area. However as an always punctual person, my husband suggested we leave home earlier and true enough we reach the event's location an hour early.

Even though the sky is still dark, many participants were already there. I bet everyone is trying to avoid the traffic. Most Muslim's participants were seen doing their prayers at the nearby mosque. While others were busy chatting and taking photos.

The 16 km trail flags off at 7:30 am sharp. I took quite a number of photos of the participants. It was my first encounter taking photos of participants at a running event. Although feeling tired waking up so early, but it was really fun taking photos of people who pose to your camera while running.

Of all the photos i took at the event, below is the photo that i loved most.

Looking at this scene, you will so relaxed and so refresh with all the trees. No wonder my husband always commented that trail running is an activity you will feel more energetic and refreshed for a far as you run.