Friday, April 8, 2016

Photography Passion

I have abandoned this blog for a very very long time. Now i am back with more posting about family, health, photography...
I have always loved photography. Taking photos are like capturing the moments for memories. You can always look back to the photos of happy times spent together with families and friends.

Last Sunday, i followed husband who is a trail and marathon running enthusiast. He just started running November last year. His passion grew stronger each day. I have always wanted to follow him to his running event to capture his passion. However due to my children's schedule i was unable to.
Last Sunday, my son's schedule changed and i grab this opportunity to follow my husband to his trail running event. The event flags off at 7:30 am so we have to leave our home as early as 5:00 am cause the journey will take us an hour plus to reach.

Co-incidentally, the event was held at Hulu Langat on the Sunday which is also the weekend for the Chinese Tomb Sweep Day. We foresee heavy traffic around that area. However as an always punctual person, my husband suggested we leave home earlier and true enough we reach the event's location an hour early.

Even though the sky is still dark, many participants were already there. I bet everyone is trying to avoid the traffic. Most Muslim's participants were seen doing their prayers at the nearby mosque. While others were busy chatting and taking photos.

The 16 km trail flags off at 7:30 am sharp. I took quite a number of photos of the participants. It was my first encounter taking photos of participants at a running event. Although feeling tired waking up so early, but it was really fun taking photos of people who pose to your camera while running.

Of all the photos i took at the event, below is the photo that i loved most.

Looking at this scene, you will so relaxed and so refresh with all the trees. No wonder my husband always commented that trail running is an activity you will feel more energetic and refreshed for a far as you run.

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