Monday, April 11, 2016

My Photography Passion - Hiking

As in the introduction page of my blog, i have always great passion of photography. I love taking photos. I see, I admire, I shoot...
Last year we had a trip to Sungai Lembing, a small town in Kuantan District, Pahang. It was used to be a tin mining town. Sungai means river in Malay while Lembing means spear.
The town is basically very quiet and most of the residences there are old aged folks who has been staying there for decades.
We with for the trip with group of family friends and their children. Our objective to visit the famous sunrise view at Bukit Panaroma.
Climbing up the hill was really a challenge. We started our journey around 5:00am so that we are able to reach the peak for sunrise on time. The journey up hill was relatively easy with a lot of steps.
The hike takes about 40-45 minutes for an average hiker, but those who do not exercise (cardiac exercises) often will probably need an hour to get to the top and believe me, it's really a challenge for those who seldom exercise.

The reward? These....

Sun rise at Bukit Panorama

We reached the peak at the right timing as the sun is rising. The beautiful view of took our breath away. We took a lot of photos while waiting for the sky to turn bright for the other breathtaking view. The sea of clouds....

The fluffy clouds covering the entire skyline is just like a sea waves

So when you are hiking up Bukit Panorama, make sure you hike up early and stay for the sky to turn bright for the sea of clouds.

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