Friday, May 27, 2016

Busy Weekend - Wedding Reception

Saturday morning.....

Today was a busy but happy day. My hubby's niece is getting married. It's a Chinese traditional wedding reception at her home. We arrived around 8:30am. The bride was still having her make up and hair done.
Everyone was busy with preparation, some of the nieces and sister in laws were busy preparing games for the gate crashing. While others were chit chatting away....

These were the items prepared for the gate crashing game. There's "sweet, sour, bitter and spicy" edibles....which includes bitter gourd for bitterness, Korean extra spicy noodles for spicy, lemon juice for sour and Coca-Cola for sweetness. These were to test the groom and his groom men's sincerity towards the bridge. There were also questions for groom to answer about the bridge. He would be punished if he failed to answer correctly. Some of the punishment include blowing up the heart shaped balloon, yoga pose and etc


The gate crashing game took about an hour before the groom meets the bride.

The traditional wedding reception is followed by tea ceremony where the newlyweds present tea to the parents and relatives in sequence of seniority.  Those who receive the tea usually give the bride gifts such as jewelry or Li Shi money wrapped in red envelope or angpow. Thus it's the end of the ritual and the wedding proceeds to the groom's home to present the tea ceremony.
The wedding banquet is held the next day.....

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